Thursday, April 5, 2012

free jQuery / Javascript Video Tutorials

After a long break !!! Back Again !!! I came across this wonderful site where they are providing free jQuery / JavaScript video tutorials.

If you have ever wondered how some of the websites have some cool effects like page/contents sliding up & down, disappear after a few seconds, you may want to check this site out !!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

free web conferencing tool

Recently, i came across this free web conferencing tool called mikogo. Though, there are couple of other free sites/tools available like TeamViewer (suggested by NewLine Info) but this grabbed my attention because of its' ease of use.

Currently, 10 participants can join the conference/meeting and the host can allow the participants to be the 'presenter' and also can allow the participants to control the keyboard/mouse. 

This is a must for a small business guys or whoever into tech-support or just to share their computer with friends/families. Check it out.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

iPhone 4 Issue

iPhone addicts !! WAIT !! Dont get the latest iPhone 4 yet, since it was tested by the consumer reports and the lab results came out saying the reception is weak or even drops, when you cover the antenna spot (the gap on the lower left hand corner of the phone).

Ya, i's disappointing, but Apple should be fixing this soon. For more of this lab test, check it out here.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Been a while !!!

Ya, true, it's been a while since i blogged...had a recent trip to chennai, India and i guess, i should be blogging a lot about India's growth. :o)

Stay tuned !!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

US Internet Connection

I was surprised to see the speed of the Broadband Internet connection in S.Korea faster than US and CHEAPER than USA. Wow !! Broadband Internet speeds in the US are only about 1/4th as fast as those in S.Korea. S.Korea topped all, by whooping speed of 14.58Mbps. Interesing, uh? Well, though, people in US basically 'invented' the Internet, i thought, the connection in US will be the fastest than any other countries, but this map proved me wrong. Hover hover the countries and see their speed. You will be amazed at the countries in red offer, than the United States.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Windows Phone 7

Finally!!! I was holding off of the iPhone, just for this.
Microsoft released the Developer's ToolKit Samples to play around with the simulator. The features, which one of the GUI designers for Windows Phone 7 series was demonstrating, that this phone is capable of all the iPhone functionalities (pan,zoom,pinch...)and best of all, the ability to interact with social networking sites, on the go.
Check here for a short demo of the series, and developer's toolkit.